Keep the faith and take the proper social responsibility on this long way

Today is 1st April, 2020.
No one knows when will thisterrible crisis end.
With one look,……
When it ends, the world willprobably not be the same, either better or worse.
Really wish everyone stay safe nomatter where you’re right now.
Keep the faith and take the proper social responsibility on this long way which is full of challenges and uncertainties.
Photo : New York, USA
原文原图出处 : Traveller Wang的旅游专页…859763/?type=3&theater

"take the proper social responsibility"

看到这句有点感慨, 如果每个人都这样想就好了.
我们现在最需要的是有关病毒的科学证据,不是faith (belief without evidence) 及恐慌。
甚么是social responsibility?所有人包括没余钱的外劳都应留在室内饿食(南非及印度)?